Studio Wing, WIP (cont.)

Gosh, it's been some time since my last post, hasn't it! The summer has been busy, and here we are into fall already. Let me give an update on my new studio wing.

The studio is finished and ready for work, minus a bit of decor/furniture, and I'm getting settled in. I'm very happy with so many things about it and, although I'm not quite ready to really dig in on a new art project, I've got several things in the queue. More on that in a bit. For now, how 'bout some pics? I've included a few before pics because the transformation is just so dramatic.

Hint: Hover over the images for descriptions.


As to what's in the queue? First up is to repair a table top that I made over 15 years ago, probably more like 18 years ago. I made it for one of my kids, who shall not be named-and-shamed here, and who seemed to forget that it was an interior mosaic and put it outside a couple of years ago. I'm reworking the edge, replacing all the tiles. 

My next project will be a small backsplash for the studio bath vanity. It's a small bathroom and I don't want anything too busy or complicated. I predict it will be a rather boring project. 

After taking care of these two small tasks, I plan on spending some time finishing a few projects. It will be some time before I start something new, but I've got plenty of ideas for when I'm ready.

Okay, so that's where all things studio stand at the current time. My next and final photo shoot will probably be after the new year. By then, I hope to have furniture and decor figured out.